
    If you have never heard of origami, origami is the art of paper folding. Books say that paper was first invented in China by a person named Cai Lun in 105 A.D. A little example of paper folding in China was the yuan bao. Yuan bao was theoldest example of paper folding trying to resemble the golden nuggets. The piece are then burn for offering to the gods and their dead relatives. People don’t know when this tradition of folding yuan bao started but it continues to this day. Another paper folding example in China is Golden Venture Folding. Golden Venture Folding is 3D origami. People would fold the paper into tiny triangles and put them together to make a large model.

    During the 6th century, paper was introduced to Korea and Japan by Buddhist monks. Paper folding  was now a from of art and became into what we know as “origami”. In Japan paper was expensive and was not sold in public stores. In religious and formal ceremonies paper folding was not allowed. In traditional wedding, paper butterflies were used to decorate the wine bottles. The butterflies were called Mecho and Ocho and were the first form of drawn origami. Mecho was a female and Ocho was the male. In Japan there are rules of proper behavior when it came to giving and receiving gifts. Paper was folded in different ways to represent different things like “Origami Tsuki” was a folded piece of paper that held a valuable gift and it served as a certificate of trust. “Noshi” was a folded piece of paper that held a gift and a token of good fortune. “Tsutsumi” was a formal gift wrapper. The folds were easy and it represented for honesty and safety. 

At the bottom there is a video of how to fold origami hearts and flapping cranes.

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