Geometry Assignment Apple Numbers - Grading Rubric

All formulas must be entered and worked using only Numbers

Using an Numbers spreadsheet, list the problem and enter the formulas so that the spreadsheet solves the problem.

Check your answer on the AAA Math web page.  Save in your home folder and label it "LastNameGeometry" - Attach the file to the assignment in JupiterGrades when finished.

  1. Perimeter of a Rectangle - length + width + length + width
  2. Perimeter of a Square - side x 4
  3. Circumference of a Circle - diameter x Pi (3.14) **note radius is half of a diameter
  4. Area of a Rectangle - length x width
  5. Area of a Circle - radius squared x Pi or, radius x radius x 3.14 **note radius is half of a diameter
  6. Area of a Triangle - base x height divided by 2
  7. Volume of a Rectangular Prism - length x width x height
  8. Volume of a Cylinder - area of the base x height or, radius x radius x 3.14 x height
  9. Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism - (length x width x 2) + (width x  height x 2) + (length x height x 2)
  10. Surface Area of a Cube - area of one side x 6 or, side x side x 6

You must solve 2 problems for each formula. Each problem is worth 5 points for a total of 100 points.

Here is a sample

User guides and help pages
Getting started with Numbers for iCloud
Numbers User Guide for iCloud
Numbers User Guide for Mac

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